assessment 2017-09-02T04:39:48+00:00

For someone choosing to have a purpose filled life, self-awareness is critical. It’s about understanding who you really are and breaking through old conditioning. Self-awareness is the gateway to raising your vibration and bringing true happiness back into your life. ~ Randy Mitchell, Encore Life Purpose Co-Founder




Allow Your Passion and Purpose to Drive You (Devmaster, I want to make this a headline size)

As Maria awoke, she “heard” an inner voice sadly say, “I’m not happy. I want something more.” At first, she did not have a clue what the “more” might be. However, the longer she laid there, asking, wondering, reaching for clarity, Maria suddenly remembered a conversation she recently had.

You see, Maria, had an assessment session with Encore Life Purpose co-founder, Randy Mitchell, a few days earlier. She discovered the majority of her life she’d been making decisions and choices based on what she had to do; what she ought to do; what others wanted her to do; what she learned to do; and rarely from what she loved to do.

How is it our innate strengths end up taking a back seat while we end up doing what we do because it pays the bills and even though we are good at it. BUT rarely are people doing what they do because they are called to it as part of their higher mission in life.

For others sometimes the events and choices in life have been random and pointless.

For many who have been on the self-help journey for years, they don’t feel that much has really changed and feel stuck!

Many successful people who have accomplished a lot in their life still feel there is something big missing.

You are not alone!

There’s nothing wrong with you. We are living in a time of confusion where real inner guidance has lost its power in our lives.

We’ve been taught to be who we are supposed to be, not who we were born to be.

Yes, even in the midst of the biggest consciousness movement, most people are still playing small, and want you to play small too.